Why Invest in Raw Land?

Are you worried about long-term financial security? Do you want a beautiful remote getaway to escape to? Are you looking for a simpler homesteading lifestyle?

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Whether you're looking for a solid investment vehicle, a rural homestead, or a hedge against inflation, rural real estate from Land Theory could be your answer.

See Available Property

Check out our current listings of land available. Find the property you want, and buy it easily. Imagine owning land today!

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10 acres in Humboldt County

Halfway between Winnemucca and Paradise Valley you'll find this 10 acres to build your dream home!

78.21 acres in Pershing County

Imagine yourself surrounded by 78.21 acres of raw, open land to camp on and live free!

Hot Springs Neighbor

South of Paradise Valley, East of sand dunes, West of Hot Springs Range, North of Winnemucca. 40 acres not in the middle of nowhere!

Seven Troughs Wonder

Hike and explore the nearby mines from your property. Enjoy the seasonal creek on your 40-acre dream land. Located west of Rye Patch in the Seven Troughs area.

Are you ready to own land?

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